I’ve started this post at least five times in the last two months, never finishing. This space has taken a back seat over the last few months as life changes have encroached. I have a ton to write about - so much is happening on multiple fronts. But first i need to clear out the cobwebs and catch up on things.
Not writing doesn’t mean not reading. I have an insane RSS collection (700+ total feeds according to Google reader, 267 with the ‘poker’ tag, another 141 feeds marked ‘daily’) and I keep up with most of them. I know Iggy bluff-folded g&p, then got a table change over to pokerworks. I know Speaker started a sports blog, then hooked up with Otis and crew, Bad Blood, Daddy, bg, etc. for a team sports blog. I know Pauly and Change100 have been traveling around the around the world. I see bloggers are finding new ways of making a little money off their work. I see that my man Human Head and others are making their political voices heard. and there’s so much more. People moving, families changing shape and size. Bloggers coming and going.
Seems this was a year for changes. Big changes.
Not just for poker bloggers, but for poker itself. We had Bill Frist decide that a very roundabout attempt at banning online gaming (minus horses/lotto/fantasy) would be good for his political future. and while it appears things may not turn out the way he hoped, his legislation stands, affecting many in the poker world.
And I’ve had my own taste of the change. Facty and I packed up the kids and moved to Dublin, Ireland in August. I figured those who reads this knew, but just in case someone hasn’t cleaned out their RSS reader in a while…
The move wasn’t random. I didn’t just turn to Facty and say “How about Dublin?“. We don’t have family here. We’d never been before a one week trip in June to scope things out. We came because I like my job (most of the time) and because I like the company for which I work and because the company for which I work was moving from Los Angeles to Dublin. I’m not going to get into details, but I trust you can make a simple read.
We talked a bit about the move at the July WPBT event. We knew it was our last hurrah, WPBT-wise, for a while. I’m jealous of those you currently experiencing the anticipation that comes with a wpbt blogger event. (For the noobs, go read pauly’s advice. Pay particular attention to #7 and #8.)
I have been doing a bit of writing during this time away from the blog - trip reports, I suppose, to keep in touch with family and those back home. some of these will probably find their way here. I’ve also been posting flickr sets of our adventures. Check them out. Because we are having an adventure.
More soon.